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Philippine Standard Time:
13 March 2025, 07:59 AM


July 18, 2022

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) convenes stakeholders and media partners to present its 2016 to 2022 accomplishments under the Duterte Administration and to discuss current procedures in the Processing of Consolidated Shipments of Balikbayan Boxes, held on 12 July 2022 at the BOC Office of the Commissioner Conference Room and via Facebook Live Coverage.

The BOC Spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner, and head of the Post Clearance Audit Group, Atty. Vincent Philip C. Maronilla, discussed the breakthrough accomplishments of the agency in its key mission areas of revenue collection, trade facilitation aligned with international best practices, strengthening efforts against smuggling and other customs fraud, eradicating corruption, and enhancing personal welfare and professionalism.

Being part of its accomplishments, the BOC achieved a positive collection performance under the leadership of Commissioner Rey Leonardo B. Guerrero, garnering a total of Php 3.465 trillion in revenues from July 2016 to June 2022. This posts an 80.94% or Php 1.55 trillion revenue growth during the Duterte Administration in comparison to the Bureau’s 2010 to 2016 performance. In addition, the BOC also successfully collected additional lawful revenues amounting to Php 5.9 billion from 2018 to 2022 under the post-clearance audit of importers, Php 434.3 billion from 2019 to 2022 under the Fuel Marking Program, and Php 3.5 billion from 2016 to 2022 under the public auctions of forfeited goods.

Alongside the agency’s revenue collection efforts, the Bureau also excelled in the field of trade facilitation during the term of President Duterte as the Philippines ranked 3rd among the best performing Southeast Asian Nations in 2021. Under the United Nations Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation, the Philippines upkept its progressive performance, scoring 65.9% in 2015, 69.89% in 2017, 80.65% in 2019, and 86.02% in 2021. The Bureau ensured the provision of unhampered quality services for all stakeholders especially during the onset of the ongoing pandemic.

Several feats were also achieved for border control pursuant to the directives of the President. Among these are the numerous successful seizures amounting to Php 95.6 billion worth of smuggled goods and Php 17 billion worth of illegal drugs from 2016 to 2022. Moreover, Php 24 billion worth of forfeited goods were also condemned under the same timeline.

During the activity, the Acting Chief of the Entry Processing Unit-Informal Entry Division of the Port of Manila, Ms. Maria Teresita Juliet C. Malco, also discussed the Processes of facilitating Consolidated Shipment of Balikbayan Boxes and after which, a Question and Answer portion was opened to all attendees to ensure that issues and concerns from stakeholders were clarified.

The event marks another milestone for the Bureau of Customs as it continues with its commitment in promoting transparency and increasing engagement and inclusivity among stakeholders, the general public, and media partners.

If you missed the engagement, you may still watch the press conference at https://web.facebook.com/BureauOfCustomsPH/videos/5043226122454240/

Republic of the Philippines

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