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Philippine Standard Time:
06 March 2025, 02:03 AM

BOC-ESS celebrates its 35th anniversary

March 29, 2023

The Enforcement and Security Service (ESS) of the Bureau of Customs (BOC) celebrated its 35th founding anniversary on Monday.

During the celebration, Customs Commissioner Bienvenido Rubio recognized the significant contribution of the ESS in the Bureau’s strengthened border protection initiatives.

In 2022, the ESS recorded 397 seized shipments amounting to PhP 1.044 billion. For the first quarter of 2023, the ESS seized 81 shipments from January to March, with an estimated value of PhP 999.474 million.

The Commissioner also recognized the contribution of ESS in the successful implementation of the Fuel Marking Program. The BOC, through the ESS, marked 18 billion liters of petroleum products in 2022 and 4 billion liters from January to March 2023.

“With this kind of performance, the ESS is evidently of great help and is necessary in attaining our 5-Point Priority Program. Crafted through 35 years of existence, the ESS remains not only in the forefront of border protection but also of strictly implementing security measures that ensure the safety of the entire Customs community,” the Commissioner said.

The BOC recognized deserving ESS offices and personnel, including the ESS Motor Vehicle Monitoring and Clearance Office, Environmental Protection and Compliance Division, ESS Quick Reaction Team, and the Customs Firearms and Explosives Unit. Service awards were also given to the retirees of the ESS.

According to Commissioner Rubio, he started his career as a Special Agent with the ESS. The entry level position opened a lot of platforms for the Commissioner to improve his capabilities and learn the ropes at the Bureau.

“This is likewise why I fully understand the demands of being in the ESS, as it has a myriad of roles to execute within and even outside the Bureau of Customs. And these roles are what we celebrate in today’s occasion,” said Commissioner Rubio.

At present, the ESS is headed by Special Police Chief Isabelo A. Tibayan III, which is also under the Enforcement Group led by Deputy Commissioner Teddy Sandy Raval.

Today, the ESS continues to implement heightened security measures to achieve its mission to protect the national borders and to safeguard government revenues, aligned with the priority program of Commissioner Rubio and in compliance with the directive of President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr.#

Republic of the Philippines

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