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Philippine Standard Time:
04 March 2025, 02:58 AM

BOC-ESS Celebrates 36 Years of Service in Safeguarding Nation’s Borders and Combating Illicit Trade

April 1, 2024

On 25 March 2024, the Enforcement and Security Service (ESS) of the Enforcement Group of the Bureau of Customs (ESS-EG, BOC) celebrated 36 years of service in safeguarding nation’s borders, ensuring compliance with customs laws, and combating illicit trade activities. Established in 1988, the ESS has remained steadfast in its mission to uphold the rule of law, combat smuggling, and protect our citizens and economy from illicit activities.

In a commemorative address, Commissioner Bienvenido Y. Rubio lauded the invaluable contributions of the ESS in protecting the nation’s economy and citizens. Commissioner Rubio highlighted the ESS’s key role in seizing PhP43.30 billion worth of smuggled goods in 2023 alone, showcasing the agency’s effectiveness in combating illicit trade activities.

Moreover, the ESS has been instrumental in implementing the Fuel Marking Program, a crucial initiative aimed at combating fuel smuggling. Furthermore, the ESS successfully marked a staggering 18.97 billion liters of fuel in 2023. This initiative has significantly contributed to curbing fuel smuggling, with PhP395.01 million worth of petroleum products and transport vehicles seized in the same year.

Drawing from his personal experience as a former special agent, Commissioner Rubio empathized with the challenges inherent in security operations and stressed the importance of staying abreast of emerging technologies to effectively combat illicit activities.

Along with the Commissioner, EG Deputy Commissioner, Atty. Teddy S. Raval, and ESS Acting Director, Isabelo A. Tibayan III, expressed their deep admiration for the dedication and professionalism of the men and women of the ESS. In recognition of their tireless endeavors to combat smuggling and their outstanding contributions to upholding the integrity of customs operations, outstanding uniformed customs officers were presented with a well-deserved award.#

Republic of the Philippines

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