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03 March 2025, 18:28 PM

BOC Davao Successfully Thwarts 4 Used Motor Vehicles

July 31, 2023

On July 28, 2023, the Bureau of Customs (BOC), Port of Davao, conducted a physical examination of two abandoned containers, purportedly containing brand-new cars, but actually found to contain used luxury motor vehicles.

Upon verification with the database, customs officers found that the consignee was not accredited with the Accounts Management Office. Similarly, through the vigilance of our enforcement units in closely monitoring the said shipment, the importer’s attempt to bring in prohibited goods were thwarted.

Acting promptly on actionable intelligence information, the Port of Davao initiated a thorough inspection of the containers, showcasing its unrelenting dedication in preventing illegal activities and ensuring compliance with the law.

The examination conclusively revealed that the shipment contained four (4) used luxury cars unlawfully imported into the country in utter violation of Executive Order 156 s. 2002 which strictly prohibits the importation of used motor vehicles.

The Bureau is conducting the case build-up for the immediate filing of the appropriate criminal and administrative cases against the importer/consignee and their cohorts, if warranted.

The Bureau of Customs-Port of Davao’s commitment to Comissioner Bienvenido Rubio’s Five-Point Priority Program of curbing smuggling in all forms remains resolute. Coupled with the active leadership of the Customs Commissioner, the BOC Davao continues to remain alert in safeguarding the country’s borders and enforcing customs laws.##

Republic of the Philippines

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