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Philippine Standard Time:
14 February 2025, 04:08 AM

BOC Davao Discusses Role of Customs in the Supply Chain in DavaoIcon 2021 Pre-conference

November 4, 2021

Members of the public and private sector gathered in an online business meeting to discuss the investment potentials of Davao Region and Mindanao to become a logistics hub for the ASEAN countries during the 2021 Davao Investment Conference (DavaoIcon) pre-conference “Mindanao as a Logistics Hub of ASEAN, First and Last Mile Logistics” on October 27, 2021 via Zoom Meetings.

With this year’s theme “Davao Region: Strong today, Stronger Tomorrow”, the event aims to encourage investments by creating a premiere logistics hub in the Region for different sectors particularly real estate, tourism manufacturing and agribusines among others.

For the public sector, the Bureau of Customs (BOC) Davao District Collector, Atty. Erastus Sandino B. Austria discussed the role of Customs in the supply chain highlighting its ICT projects.In the private sector, pionerring resource speakers from the logistics sector (Angkas, E-taily, OneLGC, and Ninja Van) talked about their services and how they can further expedite the movement of goods coming in and out of Mindanao.

The DavaoIcon2021’s main conference will be on November 11-12, 2021. BOC Davao invites all its stakeholders to participate in the conference. For more details, visit their official website at www.davaoicon.com.

Republic of the Philippines

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