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BOC continues to implement trade facilitation programs

January 20, 2023

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) digitalizes customs processes and operations to enhance its trade facilitation mandate.

Seven digitalization projects were implemented in 2022, namely Liquidation and Billing System (LBS), Electronic Customs Baggage and Currencies Declaration (iDeclare) System, Raw Materials Liquidation System, National Customs Intelligence System (NCIS), E2M-ETRACC Integration, Payment Application Secure 6 (PAS6), and ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD) System.

The LBS is a platform the Bureau’s Liquidation and Billing Division uses to send notices and demand letters as needed.

The iDeclare allows passengers and crew members to submit their baggage and currency declaration forms before arrival and departure.

The Raw Materials Liquidation System determines the volume and value of the raw materials exported and subject to liquidation, including the duties and taxes due on the allowable residues/wastages/by-products and other portions of the imported article/s entered through warehousing but no longer usable for the manufacture of the articles for export.

The National Customs Intelligence System (NCIS) stores data from all the Intelligence sources via web forms and excel format.

The Electronic-2-Mobile (E2M) – Electronic Tracking of Containerized Cargo (ETRACC) System integration allows E2M to exchange data with the ETRACC to provide and capture the actual arrival time of containers at the destination.

The Payment Application Secure 6 (PAS6) is an upgraded version of the Payment Application Secure 5 (PAS5) system for more efficient payment facilitation. The added feature ensures an accurate and immediate exchange of transaction information on the assessment details of payable duties and taxes.
Lastly, the ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD) a digital tool that exchange customs declaration documents with ASEAN states expected to improve bureaucratic efficiency and reduce barriers to entry.
In connection with the digitalization program of the BOC, the Bureau continued to facilitate the onboarding of Trade Regulatory Government Agencies (TRGA) into the National Single Window (NSW).

In 2022, 22 TRGAs were already onboarded into the NSW platform. 4 TRGAs used the live environment, while 18 TRGAs were onboarded in the staging environment.

Customs Commissioner Yogi Filemon Ruiz also ordered all ports to expedite the disposition of all forfeited and abandoned goods to prevent high yard utilization.

As a result, the BOC disposed 1,325 overstaying containers, 443 containers loaded with rice and galvanized steel and other item were auctioned off, 841 containers were condemned, and 41 containers were donated to various government agencies.

The BOC also inaugurated the Authorized Economic (AEO) Office last December 19 to institutionalize AEO Philippines.

The AEO is a critical component of the World Customs Organization’s SAFE Framework of Standards to promote the seamless movement of goods through secure international trade supply chains.

The BOC, under the leadership of Customs Commissioner Ruiz following the directive of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., will remain steadfast in fulfilling its mandate of enhancing trade facilitation, and will continue its initiatives in providing quality service to its stakeholders and the public.#

Republic of the Philippines

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