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Philippine Standard Time:
14 March 2025, 16:50 PM

BOC Collaborates with US EXBS and HSI to Enhance Border Security Strategies

March 11, 2024

In a proactive step towards reinforcing border protection and security capabilities, the Bureau of Customs (BOC) engaged in discussions with the United States – Export Control and Border Security (US-EXBS) and the US Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) during an exchange visit.

The meeting aimed to address emerging border security trends and challenges to fortify mutual security measures. It also intends to encourage the initiation of dialogue among enforcement agencies in the Philippines and their foreign counterparts.

Among others, representatives from the US shared valuable insights and experiences into cross-border intelligence sharing, interdiction strategies, cargo monitoring, and other trade security practices, which were found to be effective in combating illicit trade practices.

Drawing from successful approaches utilized by the US and current best practices, these collaborative efforts seek to bolster the BOC’s capabilities and efficiency in safeguarding trade and combating illicit activities at the border.

Commissioner Bienvenido Y. Rubio expressed appreciation for the contributions of EXBS, represented by Regional Advisor Ransom J. Avila, and HSI, represented by Mr. Stephen Richardson. He acknowledged their roles in providing the Bureau with the opportunity to present key border protection strategies, which have resulted in successful apprehensions.

Republic of the Philippines

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