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04 March 2025, 12:40 PM

BOC Calls for Business Sector’s Continuous Support to its Transformation Program

March 19, 2022

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) urged the business sector to continue to support the BOC as it strides towards transformation and modernization for better and integrity-driven government service.

The BOC joined the virtual Business Summit organized by the Makati Business Club (MBC), Management Association of the Philippines (MAP), and Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines (FINEX) on 17 March 2022. It was attended by various organizations in the business community, media, and the general public.

The event served as an avenue for the BOC to build a new foundation of trust and awareness among the business community as the Bureau showcases its reformation initiatives towards becoming a more transparent, responsive, modern, and world-class Customs Administration.

Since the adoption of the Performance Governance System (PGS), the BOC has been relentless in curbing smuggling, weeding out corruption, and eminently, changing the public’s perception of the agency. Various projects were implemented that promote quality, integrity, and efficiency within the Bureau, effectively laying down the framework for the current and future administration towards an integrity-driven governance campaign.

Dr. Jesus Estanislao, the Founder and Chairman of Emeritus of the Institute for Solidarity in Asia (ISA) and Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) underscored the BOC’s positive rating on the recent survey conducted by an independent body.

“Unknown to many people and already reported by Commissioner Guerrero is that the process of transformation takes a long time to get into the general public. But what I consider as a very important first step is the 92% positive rating that the Bureau of Customs got from an independent survey made of the immediate stakeholders of the BOC. These are the importers and exporters that the Bureau has day-to-day transactions with. 92% positive rating on the transformation program — it tells a lot, it speaks a lot, it speaks volumes,” said Dr. Estanislao.

He added, “We in the Business community must somehow voice out our sentiment, our expressions of support, and our demand that all of these transformation programs initiated since two years ago should be sustained in the next six years whoever will be the new Customs Commissioner.”

Similarly, the Customs Chief stressed the important role that the business sector plays in the sustainment of the completed programs and ongoing reforms in the BOC.

“With a change in administration looming on the horizon, it is critical for business and industry to understand, appreciate and support these programs for our country to hurdle and recover from the challenges that we are currently facing,” said Customs Commissioner Guerrero.

Meanwhile, business leaders including FINEX President Michael Guarin and MBC Executive Director Coco Alcuaz commended the BOC for all the improvements and positive news relating to the Customs and its efforts in modernizing and streamlining its operations and procedures.

Republic of the Philippines

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