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BOC Aparri Gets Nod for ISO External Audit

June 14, 2023

The BOC – Port of Aparri and Sub-port of Irene have received the green light to proceed with the External Audit stage of their journey towards International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015 certification after successfully completing the two-day Stage 2 Internal Quality Audit conducted by the Bureau of Customs (BOC) Interim Internal Quality Management System Office (IIQMSO) on June 5-6, 2023, at the Aparri District Office in Aparri, Cagayan.                               

The IIQMSO team audited BOC Aparri and Irene Top Management and Process Owners in the following operational procedures: Cargo Clearance Procedure Under Formal Goods Declaration, Document Management Procedure, Payment Management Procedure, Procedure for Clearance of Goods for Export, The Conduct of Vessel Boarding Formalities, and Information Management Procedure.

According to BOC Port of Aparri District Collector Elenita Abano, passing the Stage 2 Internal Quality Audit will help the port strengthened their procedural protocols to further enhance its efficiency as a public service office.

“The audit taught the officers and personnel of the Port, including its sub-port, the techniques and proper procedures to avoid auditing lapses. It was also challenging due to minor unavoidable pitfalls, but were immediately addressed and rectified. As a whole, the internal quality audit was an amazing learning experience,” said Abano.#

Republic of the Philippines

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