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BOC and Port of NAIA Recognized By National Task Force Against COVID-19

July 5, 2022

As part of the Bureau of Customs’ (BOC) commitment to support the government’s fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, BOC Commissioner Rey Leonardo B. Guerrero and NAIA District Collector Carmelita M. Talusan, on June 29, 2022, were commended during the 32nd National Task Force Vaccine Cluster Meeting which was held in the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC), Pasay City.

Commissioner Guerrero was recognized by Sec. Carlito G. Galvez, Jr., Chief Implementer and Vaccine Czar, National Task Force against Covid 19, for the Commissioner’s “tireless commitment and outstanding leadership as the Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs paved the way for the expeditious clearance and entry of COVID-19 vaccine and medical equipment shipments which was instrumental to the success of the nation’s vaccination program and COVID-19 response.”

Collector Talusan as Port Collector of NAIA was also given special recognition by Secretary Galvez for her “tireless commitment and relentless efforts as Head of the Port of NAIA of the Bureau of Customs. Her commendable leadership ensured the efficient processing and release of COVID-19 vaccines and Personal Protective Equipment which was instrumental to the success of the nation’s vaccination program and COVID-19 response.”

Among those present and recognized during the event were Department Undersecretaries Mark Dennis YC Joven of the Department of Finance, Myrna C. Cabotaje of the Department of Health and Rowena Cristina L. Guevara of the Department of Science and Technology. Also in recognized were Assistant Secretary Eric Gerardo Tamayo of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Dr. Ma. Soledad Antonio of the Department of Health among others.

Secretary Carlito G. Galvez Jr. In his statement acknowledged the efforts of BOC specifically BOC-NAIA which played a crucial role in the Government’s pandemic response. Galvez stated that he personally witnessed the dedication of and commitment of the Bureau and Port of NAIA personnel in releasing the vaccines in a quick and seamless manner which resulted to the release of 240,430,890 dozes of vaccines from February 2021 when the first batch arrived.

BOC-NAIA successfully carried out its duty through the timely creation of the BOC-NAIA COVID-19 One Stop Shop which processed and cleared shipments prior to arrival. The Port also provided personnel 24/7 to ensure the expeditious processing, releasing and under guarding of vaccines until its delivery to various storage facilities. In addition, BOC-NAIA successfully inoculated airport frontliners as it was recognized as the 1st Certified, Non-LGU and Non-Health, National Government Agency to host a certified vaccination program.

The Port of NAIA, under the guidance of BOC Commissioner Rey Leonardo B. Guerrero, remains committed to support the nationwide response against the COVID-19 as it remains one of the nation’s premiere Ports committed to the mandate of Border Protection, Revenue Collection and Trade Facilitation.

Republic of the Philippines

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