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Philippine Standard Time:
13 March 2025, 01:02 AM

BOC and PCG conduct joint surveillance inspection of maritime areas from Davao City Gulf to Sarangani Strait

November 11, 2021

The Bureau of Customs (BOC)-Port of Davao in coordination with Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)-Coast Guard District Southern Mindanao (CGDESM), conducted a joint surveillance and maritime patrol along the Davao City Gulf to Sarangani Strait on November 3, 2021.

The maritime patrol activity enforces stronger border security measures against the smuggling of illegal drugs and other types of prohibited commodities that might enter the areas of responsibility of the Collection District XII.

On board BRP Cape San Agustin (MRRV-4408), elements of the BOC and PCG started patrolling from Davao Gulf to Sarangani Strait. The maritime patrol yielded negative as no motorized marine vessel was sighted nor any suspicious activities was observed in the area and its surrounding islands, the Sarangani Island and Balut Island.

BOC Davao will continue to work closely with its partner enforcement agencies to carry out similar operations headed by District Collector, Atty. Erastus Sandino Austria, and Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero adhering to international best practices on revenue collection, border protection, and trade facilitation.

Republic of the Philippines

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