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BOC and DICT ink MOU to foster Digital Integration and Interoperability

June 16, 2023

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) and the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), on 15 June 2023, have officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to strengthen their collaboration and work towards a synchronized and well-coordinated information and communication technology (ICT) system. This partnership aims to promote the integration, interoperability, and interconnection of their systems and applications.

Under the MOU, the DICT, as the primary entity for ICT development in the Executive Branch, will assess and evaluate the current applications and systems of the BOC. They will provide recommendations and strategies for improving the ICT system, develop additional applications if needed, and ensure smooth integration.

The BOC will serve as the digital transformation partner of the DICT, providing guidance and support for interoperability. They will also share relevant information and data to facilitate the goals outlined in the MOU.

Both parties commit to comply with existing laws and regulations, including those concerning procurement, budget, and accounting processes. Necessary security measures will be prioritized to safeguard program implementation.

During the signing ceremony, BOC Commissioner Bienvenido Y. Rubio expressed gratitude to the DICT, represented by Secretary Ivan John Uy, Undersecretary David Almirol, Jr., and Undersecretary Paul Joseph Mercado, for their efforts in bringing government agencies together to deliver improved public services.

Commissioner Rubio emphasized the BOC’s commitment to embracing digitalization and the opportunities offered by the Digital Age. Digitalizing processes is a top priority to successfully deliver BOC services. He acknowledged the importance of digital transformation in enhancing efficiency and creating an unparalleled experience for citizens and businesses.

The signing of the MOU between the BOC and DICT marks a milestone in the ongoing digital transformation journey of the Philippine government. It reflects the BOC’s dedication to its responsibilities and determination to materialize projects outlined in the MOU.

This partnership signifies a shared vision of establishing a Digital Philippines. By fostering collaboration and leveraging technology, both agencies aim to enhance customs administration, streamline processes, and deliver exceptional services to stakeholders and the general public.#

Republic of the Philippines

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