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11 March 2025, 09:50 AM

BOC implements Information Security Policy

January 20, 2022

To protect the government from risks of loss to revenue collection and reputational losses, the Bureau of Customs issues Customs Memorandum Order No. 01-2022 with subject “Bureau of Customs Information Security Policy”.

As the BOC processes and maintains information that is classified in nature, the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of these information are considered vital to the ongoing operations of the Bureau.

The Information Security Policy aims to define the security requirements for the proper and secure use of the information-related services. Among the objectives of said policy include providing of a framework for establishing security for all Bureau’s Information Systems to mitigate risks related to damage, loss, and misuse; to ensure that all users understand their responsibilities for protecting the data they handle; and provide principles by which safe and secure information systems working envorinment can be established.

The policy applies to all officers and employees of the BOC, including temporary users, visitors, contractors, service providers, and partners with granted clearance to access the IT System.

The copy of CMO 01-2022 is uploaded at the BOC website under “Issuances” tab for the reference and information of BOC employees and stakeholders.

Republic of the Philippines

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